How do I get the Felsteel Annihilator?
The Felsteel Annihilator mount has a low chance of dropping from Mythic Archimonde, the 13th and final boss of Hellfire Citadel.
Unfortunately, the drop chance for the mount is quite low.
This means that even if you defeat Mythic Archimonde, there’s no guarantee that the mount will drop. It all comes down to luck.
In addition to running Mythic Archimonde, another way of getting the Hellfire Citadel mount is by winning an auction in the in-game Black Market Auction House.
This feature allows you to ensure you get the mount, however this way requires a lot of gold to make sure you can outbid the other players.
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Where is the Hellfire Citadel entrance located?
The Hellfire Citadel entrance is located right in the middle of the Tannan Jungle.
To reach it, you’ll need to take the Stormshield / Warspear portal within your faction’s capital city, and fly towards the zone.
Going through the citadels’ massive gate will teleport you to the instance.
One of the main reasons why players often visit Hellfire Citadel is because the last boss, Archimonde, has a chance to drop a mount on mythic difficulty – the Felsteel Annihilator.
In addition to the mount drop, the raid offers a wide range of other rewards, including transmog items, and achievements.
Do i need to have gold to do the bidding?
- No, you do not need any gold on your account.
- Our service provides you with the necessary gold to win this item.