What are the Best Evelynn Runes
Evelynn Abilities Explained
Demon Shade
For the first 5 levels, your passive gives you out-of-combat healing. which scales with your health and Ability Power.
While in-game you are able to clear a few camps without healing from potions or smite. Try to make use of your passive first because it heals you only until a certain amount of hp, after that use Smite and potions to heal until full health. Thanks to that you will have more health for a possible Gank.
At level 6 your passive unlocks also a Camouflage effect, which is a great way to go near enemy champions for a greater chance of a kill, or escaping death while being chased.
Your passive can’t be detected by regular wards as well as Poro wards and Farsight Alteration, or any abilities that grant vision, but not true sight (such as Ashe’s E – Hawkshot).
While in stealth, it will show a circle around you, which will mark at what distance enemy champions see you, if detected, it will show an exclamation mark above your champion. Except for that, your Demon Shade can be detected by Control Wards, Towers, and Scryer’s Bloom.
Also by casting abilities other than Allure, taking damage from enemy champions, or Attacking a target will remove your stealth. Your passive will not be removed by placing wards or casting your W – Allure.
Hate Spike
Launches a Dart and applies a Debuff for the next 3 basic attacks or abilities. If it hits a jungle monster, the Cooldown is reduced by 60%.
On the next 3 casts, you fire a line of spikes into the attacked enemy, which deals magic to all enemies in the line. If you missed the dart, it will hit the nearest target.
When clearing camps make sure to hit the first dart, and on camps like raptors or wolves try to hit all the monsters to maximize the damage and healing.
Against champions, Hate Spike is your only way to proc Allure while ranged.
Castable on both Champions and jungle monsters. After the cast it will apply it for 5 seconds, and it will show a heart filling up above he target.
If used on Enemy Champions after you cast a spell or attack the cursed target:
- It will slow by 65% and cost no Mana if triggered before 2,5 sec.
- It will charm and if its a Champion – reduce magic resistance by 25% for 4 seconds.
Used on jungle monsters the Mana cost will be refunded, the charm duration will be increased and the target will take bonus magic damage.
Allure will be triggered only by Eve’s attacks and abilities, so using items like Chilling Smite and Hextech Rocketbelt will not charm the enemy.
Deals magic damage based on the target’s maximum health, and applies an on-hit effect. After that, you gain 30% movement speed for 2 seconds. After you go invisible the spell has its Cooldown reset and the next cast of the ability will be a dash.
It damages all the enemies on the way and deals damage and applies an on-hit effect on the target. You can also use the empowered version of your Whiplash to AOE multiple minions or jungle monsters.
Last Caress
You become Untargetable and deal magic damage to enemies in front of you, and than leap back 400 units. Damage is doubled against enemies with less than 30% health, which will be visible as an indicator on the target.
It still might not be enough to kill an enemy Tank, or if the enemy would receive a heal or a shield. You can also simlpy use it as AOE damage source in Team-fights.
Aside for securing your kills Last Caress can also be used to dodge abilities like Ultimates of Syndra, Karthus or Veigar, as well as the application of Zed’s R (doesn’t make you avoid the damage however).
Your Ultimate can be also used to avoid tower damage after a dive, to escape over walls or simply getting away from an enemy, as well as getting near low health champions to kill.
Additional Tips
What are the Best Evelynn Summoner Spells
This summoner spell is necessary while playing jungle. Not only it gives you the ability to buy the jungle items, which will help you in gaining experience from the camps, as well as helping you to secure the red and blue buff, and epic monsters like baron or dragon.
It is an essential spell for most of the champions in the game. It allows you to avoid death by dodging an ability or flashing over walls, as well as flashing into enemies to suprise them or ensure your kill by getting in range of your abilities.
What is the Optimal Evelynn Jungle Route
Eve has one of the fastest clears in the game. She can reliably full clear with enough time to contest scuttle crab as long as she gets a good leash. Ideally, your jungle path as Evelynn will be to clear the camps ASAP and make plays between full clears.
At the start of the match you need to decide which camp you want to start your jungle path from. For the most part, you want to start on whatever laner is weaker and clear towards your stronger side-lane. This allows you to be protected from invades as well as lets you contest the scuttle crab or gank that is more likely to result in a kill.
Evelynn Jungle Standard Path
This path is optimal if you know that you will most likely not get invaded. Usually when you are against a tank or farm-heavy jungler you can expect to have an advantage even if he tries to invade you. you should start your Jungle Route on the buff that is opposite to your stronger sidelane to have a chance for a succesful gank or securing a scuttler. If you don’t intend to gank pre 6 or none of the laners has any hard CC you should always start botside for a better leash.
How to protect yourself from invades as Evelynn
The best way to protect yourself from invades as Evelynn is to know where your opponent is, ask your allies to put wards on jungle entrances opposite of yours and try to invade as 5 to put on one of his Buffs. This way you will know how soon to expect him because unfortunately, some players can predict that Eve wants to full clear. This makes tracking her location quite easy.
Your goal as Evelynn early game is to survive. If you can manage to hit level six without much trouble you are in a good position to carry the game.
You can only damage control an invade that you are aware of, make sure your Evelynn jungle path lets you react to it. If you know where the enemy jungler starts, you know where he can go. If you can’t invade and place a ward on his Red or Blue, put it at your jungle entrance to see if he will try.
If you know you will get invaded, you need to make sure to get your buffs ASAP. On the blue side, you should go red buff with a strong botlane leash and move to your Red buf. If you pay red you can go Blue and go straight to your Red buff if you expect the enemy to be there.
Make sure to ask your laners to put a wad on the jungle entrance where you are NOT starting to see if he is trying and avoid surprises. After the second buff make your way back to the side where you started. After clearing the camps you can whether invade him and take his Raptors that just spawned, or gank, depending on the situation. After that you can contest scuttler botside.
How to Gank as Evelynn
After you get you Camouflage the ganks become quite easy, all you need to worry about is Control Wards.
Before reaching level 6 you will want to gank only if the lane is pushed, so the enemy doesn’t have time to run away.
Top Lane Ganking
Bot Lane Ganking
There are many melee top laners which in order to win a lane or be able to farm need to play aggressively, especially against ranged champions.
That will most likely mean a pushed lane and an opportunity for a gank. If the enemy has a teleport after a successful gank you can even go to a bush and wait for him to teleport back to the lane.
It’s the best to gank toplaners that have a chance to snowball and are strong in the early game, like Renekton or Irelia.
Also if the lane is pushed you might want to wait in the river bush, and when the enemy laner approaches the bush with the intention to put a ward, you can put Allure on for a slow and kill him.
Except for larger amount of wards that the enemies might have, the Ganks will be relatively similar to top. After 6 it won’t even matter that much unless its Control Wards thanks to your Camouflage. As there are two champions however, the Ganks on bot might be slightly more dangerous, but more rewarding at the same time since you can kill two people at the same time. You also usually want to Gank when some of the summoner spells are down, it will obviously be easier to Gank if the enemies have less of a chance to escape. Also have in mind if you play with an aggressive support like Leona or Thresh, it may be a lot easier to Gank rather than with a Janna.
Mid Lane Ganking
Since there is relatively less space on midlane unlike other lanes, you don’t have time to charge your W, it makes you think how to gank as Evelynn. Furthermore, you might play against champions with dashes like Azir or LeBlanc, which means unless they just used it in a trade with your midlaner, they will most likely escape. If its a champion with a hard CC like Annie or Twisted Fate even the ash might not be enough to save the enemy tho, and get you a kill easily. Mid lane ganks don’t get much better after 6 since you still have not much of a chance to charm the target, as well as no opportunity to get behind the tower without getting spotted. Both the enemy mid and jungle might also put control wards around mid which you cannot avoid without getting spotted. If the player is low on health however your Ultimate still makes it for you relatively safe to kill and escape quickly thanks to the tower aggro reset.
Late Game as Evelynn Jungle
In team-fights you usually want to flank the enemy team and go for the carries and squishies standing at the back, which will be easier than for most champions considering your stealth. Make sure to not reveal yourself until the fight starts, position yourself and wait for the right moment. Pick the easiest or most important to to kill champions that have the potential to carry the teamfight. After the target positions, you can put Allure on them an whether wait for it to charge to get a charm, or just kill him right away if that’s the safer way. It always depends on the situation. Sometimes you don’t even need to kill the carry to let your team win the team-fight, since even only getting the carry out of the fight means a lot.
You will always end up playing around the Epic Monsters like Baron and Dragon.
You are probably the best player in your team to go into the enemy jungle to grant your team deep vision.
It is especially good when others are pushing the lanes.
Keep in mind that you still can be seen by control wards, and there might be an enemy champion in a bush.
Conclusion and How to Become Better in LoL
That would be it for our Evelynn Jungle guide.
We hope the article was helpful and that it will make it easier to master Eve and carry your games !
If you still feel like trying the champion out but don’t have the champion, make sure to check out our League of Legends Smurf Accounts to not waste time grinding!
You can also buy the champion for RP, but to not waste a lot of money buying big amounts of it, instead get it from our RP Gifting Center for a more affordable price.