The upcoming World of Warcraft expansion – Dragonflight will introduce many new features – like the new playable race – Dracthyr, Dragonriding, sub-professions, and a lot more. Among all the revamps and changes, for a lot of people, the most important and long-awaited thing is a new mount achievement coming with the release of new content. The one thing wow’s mount collectors have been asking Blizzard for years – is the new Mount Achievement and its new reward!
The discovery of the new mount didn’t pass without a small drama, though. The first idea for the mount was heavily complained about by the community. The reason for the outburst was a good one, though. Usually, such a rare and long-to-complete achievement is expected to have a reward that feels somewhat exclusive and unique for the effort and resources that go into it; otherwise what is the point of doing it?
Mount Achievement Changes After Complaints
Blizzard’s new idea was everything but that. It turns out the ultimate challenge of obtaining 500 mounts in World of Warcraft rewards you with… just another Yeti recolor.
When mount collectors realized what kind of mount they were working for, a lot of unhappy comments rolled out on both the official forums and websites like Reddit.

Aside from complaints about the fact that the mount had a model that was in the game for a very long time, players accused Blizzard of valuing store-bought mounts more than those obtained in-game, while often having insane requirements. Shortly after the community loaded out every bit of complaints at developers about the “new” mount, Blizzard changed the reward to a way more appealing.
Instead of a Yeti, World of Warcraft’s most dedicated collectors will be getting a ghost otter : Otterwordly Ottuk Carrier. This cutie was at first meant to be an actual living otter, but was changed even further to be an awesome ghostly version of itself. It was designed to look like a Soulshape – a fun feature introduced in Shadowlands; many players who chose the Night Fae covenant enjoyed collecting all the new looks you can unlock.
Yet another great feature of the mount is that it can increase your speed in all environments: on the land, in the sky, and in the water! With this little guy, you will never have to face that annoying moment where you have to mount-up again just to be able to fly out of the water.
Where do I get more mounts in WoW?
Obtaining 500 mounts in World of Warcraft is an insanely long and difficult grind. Before you can put your hands on your new little furry mount, you will need to perform all sorts of activities, ranging from farming reputation, killing open world rares, dungeon and raid bosses, as well as spending gold on the mounts.
The game does offer a range of easy-to-obtain mounts to choose from. But after you collect all the easy ones, you should be ready to invest a lot of time into getting the other, the more rare mounts in WoW.
Not all of us are the biggest fans of running the same instance over and over again for a chance at a drop, or investing days, if not months into waiting for an ultra-rare spawn just to have it stolen right in front of you.
Its a relief for many people that for so many of the mounts you can just simply skip all the grind and save your precious time, and just simply Buy World of Warcraft Mounts, and expand your collection even faster, instead of doing it all by yourself, which in some cases is not even possible.