Elo Boosting in League of Legends refers to improving a players division or tier ranking,it is usually done by a professional and veteran Challenger Booster.
There are multiple options when it comes to boosting, Solo Queue or Duo queue are the main popular options :
Solo Que relates to the Booster logging in on the client account, dominating the required number of games, and therefore improving the customers Rank.
Duo Que usually means playing side by side with the Booster, the client can learn more this way, and improve by getting exclusive tips from the Booster.
Players can achieve many perks by buying lol boosting, here are some great examples :
- Reach your desired rank easily, avoiding hundreds of wasted hours.
- Stress free process, the booster does 99% of the work.
- Unlock seasonal Victorious skins, by reaching gold and above.
- Learn from the Booster, either by spectating or with the duo queue option.